Thursday, August 20, 2009

Run this Town's ASS Video Leak!!!

Watch Run This Town Video Here!!!

There are a couple points in this video that I would like to cover: 

1. Why is Kanye so full of himself. 
"next time in church please no photos" Kanye no one wants to take a picture of you... or your bald headed bitch Amber Rose and you know you don't go to no damn church cause if you did you would be right up there with the preacher thinking you run EVERYTHING. 
2. Rihanna sucks. 
Why are you wearing that stupid ass emo KKK sweater that covers everything except for your eyes.... im sorry gurl is it to hide the bruises Ike put on you? 
Not to mention the fact that you have the worst lines in the song AND your hyena yelps and moans you make sound like CBrezzy is goin in on a round two. 
3. CelebZoo is a Pro Jay-Z cite.  
4. Why was there so much hype for this video to come out.. the songs not that great


The video I did have was removed due to infringement but the link above will show you the music video 

Mucho Love 

Grounds Keeper Willie 


AliB said...

Rihanna really did suck in that video, Jay was pretty good. And i guess Kanye wasn't lying when he said..he's got a big ego! But the whole black KKK theme was kinda...weird